Good morning! How are you? Frankly, I am overwhelmed by the vitriolic and negativity that seemed to envelop not only the US but the world in the last few years.
I am tired of the negativity that has bombarded our country on every social media platform, every news station and news platform for the last 18 months, but mostly the last 10 days.
We live in a crazy world, and these are uncertain times. I know that everyone wants to blame the current president for this but lets stop and think for a minute.
Here are a few facts.
We live in a world where it is commonplace to rape women. In 2014 there were 37,000 reported cases, in India, keep in mind that many cases go unreported because the women will be ostracized or even killed if they report it. Every 2 minutes in India a crime is committed against a woman.
We live in a world where gay men are thrown off the rooftops by terrorists.
We live in a world where little kids are made to blow themselves up all in the name of a cause or religion.
We live in a world where a girl and her young friends were shot in the head because they wanted an education. Thankfully Malala Yousafzai survived and is doing what she can to further her cause, that all kids deserve an education, especially girls. If you would like to learn more about her, CLICK HERE.
We live in a world where it is “OK” for adults to make fun of a 10 year old boy, call him a future serial killer, to speculate if he is “retarded” or Autistic, just because you do not like his dad?
We live in a world where we have the ability to protest and have free speech. But my question to you is why does that now give us the “right” to destroy peoples stores, cars, shops and businesses, to run off with the stock from these businesses and to take away the livelihood of the people who work there?
We live in a world where it seems to be acceptable that 762 people were killed this year in Chicago and 4, 368 people were shot!
We live in a world where 2800 people lost their jobs because they were made to create duplicate bank accounts to make their bank look more profitable, then said bank charged the customers fees, ruined and their credit. The woman who came up with this plan did not get fired, she will make 145 million dollars, her boss, the CEO was in line for a $30 million dollar golden parachute. Thank God that did not happen. Where is the outrage for the 2800 people who lost their jobs?
We live in a world where intelligent people have completely lost their mind over the election. Educated people are now spewing violence, hate and crazy retoric on every type of social media they use and cutting off their family and friends if they do not share their opinions. People are accosting people on the street for their choice of clothing.
You are not me, I am not you. You do not know my life, my stories, my struggles. I do not know yours. I am a free thinker, as are you. We are allowed to have different opinions that have been shaped by our upbringing, our lives, experiences, etc. We are not clones or automaton’s. Why would we want to be?
Why do we seem to suddenly live in a world where if I do not share your opinion, you belittle me and discount my opinion? I am referring here not just to the election but so many social issues and problems.
I don’t care who you voted for and I hope you don’t care who I voted for. I hope that if you are a friend or family member that I am worth more than what you believe my beliefs are.
If your candidate didn’t win get out and do something about it, don’t just sit and whine and bully people.
For instance if you are passionate about arts and education and don’t want to funding cut then figure out a way to help. I have a friend who is an art teacher, her district cannot afford any field trips, so she and her students make items and sell them to earn the money. Obviously this is a small time solution, but guess what, her students go on 5 trips a year.
One person can make a difference in the world, especially in their little world.
The phenomenal March on Washington on Sunday, which spilled over into a world wide call for action was a start, but it will not accomplish anything if we do not follow through with more, much more. We all need to do our part to fight for change.
There is always something that you can do to make a change, stand up for what you believe, get out there and do something, anything! But don’t spew negative, violent and ridiculous comments. Offer a solution instead of being part of the problem.
What do you think? Do you see too much negativity in the world lately? Are you tired of it?
Do you support a cause that you would like us to know about or have some information that we might find interesting about making a change and a difference in the world?
Thank you for reading and participating. It has been so nice to have a dialog with people that care about little things and big things, trivial things and important things. I appreciate your time reading and responding.
Image Maria Shriver |
On that note I think this piece written by Sister Joan Chittister and posted on Maria Shrivers webpage is fabulous and offers us all something to think about.
Have a great day!
P.S. I am putting myself out here on a ledge asking for opinions, and speaking my mind, but if you are going to be nasty, crazy and call me names, please don’t comment.
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