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Good morning! I hope that you enjoyed a wonderful weekend and start to summer. It is funny because summer has never been my favorite season, I prefer Fall. But the last few years I feel as if my mindset has shifted and I am trying to savor each moment and season. After a long, cold dreary winter I was sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to see the buds on the trees, and the daffodils popping from the ground, the first signs of Spring. Then again, once Memorial day came I found myself restless, almost as if I were back in school counting down the days to summer.
Now that Summer has arrived I am savoring the weekends. My husband and I decided that on the weekend we are going to take one day each weekend to “do nothing” and by that I mean no work, for work or around the house. We don’t really sleep in because our pups get us up at 5:30 but we do stay in bed and read with a cup of cocoa or coffee. Then either Saturday or Sunday, depending upon the weather, we go to the farmers market, or the beach, take long walks, BBQ, read and relax.
This weekend, Saturday dawned grey and a little cool so we hunkered down with a good book and started the day at a leisurely pace. Once the sun came out, we went to the farmer’s market for vine ripened tomatoes and peaches. Later, we visited a new craft brewery and had pizza(me), and beer(my husband) and then went home and while our pups enjoyed a bone we lounged with our latest books in the sun. We ended the day with a movie and a little reading before bed. It may sound boring to some but it was the perfect day for us.
Sunday started much the same, but after our morning cocoa/coffee and walk we had work to do. My husband worked and I did things around the house to get it ready for a new week and guests. We have a busy summer with lots of family and friends visiting over the next few weeks so I want to be ready.
How was your weekend? Did you enjoy a little sun? Or were you in the path of the storms and rain this weekend?
I hope that you have a wonderful week.
If you are looking interesting food, recipes, style and more check out my Pinterest Boards: Summer, Summer Style and Summer Food.
Mary says
Your weekend sounded restful and relaxing and sometimes that's what we need. Ours was low key, with mixed weather, although I did run out for a much-needed manicure Sat. afternoon (I'm now just about over my cold brought back with me from Ireland!) and then again Sun. afternoon to meet up with an old friend for a coffee and chat. The detail guy came early Sat. to clean hubby's car – did mine last week – and we grilled out Sat. evening. . . . . . . . .writing all this makes me realize it wasn't such a quiet weekend after all, haha! It was enjoyable though after so much overseas travel the past month.
I'm also not a great 'summer person', especially living here in the hot/humid/buggy southeast!
Autumn, on cool days, is my favorite season.
Happy week Elizabeth – I have a busy one planned.
Estelle's says
Well it all sounds perfect…like a good beach read for summer….life is good…made me want to visit!
Brenda Pruitt says
What we had was rain. But I'm not complaining. I love the rain and thunder. I also love your idea of "do nothing." Sounds like a great relaxing plan to me! It's great that you both like to read. Summers in OK are hot and humid. You can practically slice the humidity with a knife. That I don't enjoy.
Taste of France says
Funny, but we are hunkering down against the heat. Actually, it's quite pleasant, but there are all kinds of heat warnings out. They have postponed a big national test for high-schoolers (France loves tests) because the heat is going to be stifling, at least in Paris. Here the buildings are made for it and we don't have (or need) A/C. All the same, I do my physical work early and then stay inside until evening.
William Kendall says
I had an exceedingly busy weekend. But it was dry weather here.