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Good Saturday morning friends, today I’m joining my friends Kim of Northern California Style and Juliet of Make Mine a Spritzer to share our Saturday Meanderings so after you finish here make sure to hop on over to their blogs to see what they are up to this morning.
It’s March my friends, can you believe Spring is only 15 days away? One minute it is Christmas and the next the daffodils are popping from the ground, the cherry blossom trees have buds and we’ve gone from snow and ice to hot, sunny weather.
Yesterday ,I was at picking up HollyTone and you would have thought they were giving away the plants or that everyone in town had suddenly decided to re-landscape their entire yards. Some of the people had two carts filled with plants. I wasn’t that bad but I did have a cart of herbs and lettuce, oh and some dahlia and bulbs. I love peonies and this year I am going to try to grow some from bulbs, wish me luck.
As for the herbs, we have a stone wall in the back yard and my plan is to plant many of the herbs in the ground at the top of the wall in the hopes that they spread out and some spill over the wall. All of these things are experiments because I do not know anything about gardens, or plants, I am a complete novice. Our previous homes had established landscapes and there wasn’t really anywhere to put my own stamp on things. Isn’t this burlap sack kitchen herb garden, unique?
I might have to try a few containers as well, especially for the lettuce because I do not want the deer to eat it. My experience in the short time that we have been here is that if the contains is close to the house or on the porch the deer will not eat it, if I move anything off of the patio they will munch on it, even deer resistant plant.
Our new front beds have all sorts of plants and flowers I’ve never had before, camellia, spreading yew, lenten rose to name just a few. Lenten rose is apparently perfect for container gardening(above) if you would like some inspiration for container gardening here are 30 Containers for Covered Porches That Will Thrive in the Shade.
Although I would love to grow lavender it does not do well here, we will be getting some catmint instead in a few of the other beds, which looks a little like lavender.
I recently made this lavender and lemon loaf recipe if you are looking for a new recipe to try.
Daffodils are dotted here and there on my walks but nothing like the fields of flowers at this farm. I can only imagine what it would be like to walk around and explore A Scottish garden with an astounding collection of uplifting daffodil varieties. I had no idea there were so many varieties of daffodils. Last year Mr. H of Collage go life surprised Jeanne by planting 1000 bulbs including daffodills around their farm, you can read more about it here.
I know that Spring is still several weeks away in other parts of the country, in Wisconsin and Illinois where my family is the warm weather will not arrive for a couple more months. My sister and I were talking yesterday and she said that she doesn’t put anything in the ground until after Mother’s Day. Perhaps adding a little of spring to your table top will tide you over until you can get out into the garden.
Sip your morning coffee from a flower mug or eat from one of the may floral plates available. I love the look of Portmeirion, the botanical illustrations are a favorite. One of my favorite ways to change up the look of my table from season to season or during the holidays is to purchase salad or dessert plates, they add a touch of color or add to the theme and they take up less space and are less expensive.
You could use this pastel edged set all spring long and then for Easter too.
A for the door is another way to add spring to your decor.
J.Crew has a lot of colorful flower themed pieces, including thisI prefer the white), this, and some beautiful
is one of my all time favorite stores, I love the quality and the unique designs, like this
Spring is all around us, or at least it can be if we want to bring a little inside. Are you seeing signs in your neck of the woods of Spring? What are your gardening plans? Are you a Master gardener? Do you have any suggestions for me, or books or even online classes I need to take?
If you missed it this week I shared 7 morning habits to start your day on a positive note and my favorite post of the week, Friday Favorites with scrumptious recipes, book recommendations and so much more.
I hope that you have a wonderful day and weekend friends, please continue to pray for peace and help for Ukraine. And if you have additional places for donations let me know.
Don’t forget to pop over to visit Kim of Northern California Style and Juliet of Make Mine a Spritzer to see where they are meandering today.
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Rachel says
I’m so ready for warmer weather and spring flowers. Your lavender cake looks amazing too!
Leslie Watkins says
What an incredible post today! So many great finds, recipes and gardening inspiration. That burlap herb garden will be recreated here!
Mary Ann Pickett says
So many pretty finds, Elizabeth. I want to do a little shopping here! And make the lemon lavender loaf.
Juliet says
Good morning, Elizabeth! You’ve got me excited for planting season and I love all your ideas and sources. Last year I planted a little too early so I’m trying to be patient while gathering information and inspiration. Love those floral mugs … I have a similar one I inherited from my mother and would love to purchase some companions. That floral tee from JCrew … wow. I love it so much. Bring on all the flowers! xo
Joyce says
Hi Elizabeth, So jealous that you are getting at your gardening. We got a foot of snow in Alberta, Canada yesterday.
I am longing for Spring. One suggestion re gardening. A GREAT US based magazine by Taunton is Fine Gardening. I am a subscriber and I always pick up their special edition on Container Gardening. They always have tons of planting ideas. Happy Gardening. Also, I always quiz the owners of nearby gardens that I admire. Gardeners love to share what works in their area.
I’m CURIOUS how much is a PEONY BULB in your neck of the woods?
In CALIFORNIA they are very expensive even the plants……….
Elizabeth says
Hi Elizabeth,
Our peony plants that we are getting from the landscape company for our front beds are very expensive, I cannot remember the price but I think about $45-50 a piece. The bulbs I purchased were $15 for 3. And I just ordered some from Costco, they were 10 bulbs for 49.00. Check out Costco, they also have live plants that are a great price, unfortunately they do not ship here.
AJ says
Wonderful post today; so much good information and ideas! My heart breaks for Ukraine and her citizens! Our niece and her husband (both Americans) teach in a school in Kyiv; they are safely in Krakow Poland now. No telling when schools will resume. So many great organizations to donate to help those in Ukraine. 2 of my favorites are Red Cross Ukraine & UNICEF. All donations are welcome and needed.
William Kendall says
The lemon loaf looks good.
cindy says
I can always get into trouble with this post! So many cute things from Biden. My daughter loves Biden too! That cake looks delicious! Happy gardening!
kim says
Elizabeth, I have been in the garden already a lot this spring and trying to get ahead of things for once. We had to replace a lot when we remodeled and three years later, I am still waiting for plants to cover fences and fill in. Gardening sure takes patience.
I’m sure you already know, but have you watched Gardener’s World? It’s the most inspiring show. I did a trial of Brit Box and you can get all the episodes. Highly recommend it!! I am trying the lavender loaf this week. Thank you for all you share. As always, a joy to do this with you and Juliet and I am learning so much from you both ! Have a lovely week. xo
Katie Clooney says
Hi Elizabeth… I was at the nursery last weekend and it was packed. I was looking for an indoor plant but most of the people were buying plants for outside! It’s supposed to be in the 20’s this weekend! Anyway, hope you have a great week.
Elizabeth says
Katie, I think people are tired of being cooped up and are excited after a long winter to see the sun. I hope that you found a beautiful plant. Have a great week and stay by the fire this weekend with your sweet pup!